Captacion takes its name from “captación de fondos,” the Spanish language term for “fundraising.”
The firm’s name reflects two areas of focus Captacion supports through its fundraising services: organizations serving Latino communities in the United States and projects that cross borders throughout the Americas.
George Nunes founded Captacion in 2016 as an extension of his 30-year career as a fundraiser, non-profit executive, consultant, and family business owner. To date, he has generated $48,000,000 in earned and contributed revenue for past employers and clients, which include:

ACT Theatre Arizona Community Foundation ASU Lodestar Center Ballet Arizona Border Philanthropy Partnership Dance/USA Diablo Ballet
George H. Nunes, Inc. Marin Ballet Mesa Arts Center Mesoamerican Reef Fund Modesto Symphony Orchestra National Arts Strategies Pacific Northwest Ballet
School of Architecture at Taliesin SeaChar Seattle Art Museum Sonoran Institute Superstition Mountain Museum Tateuchi Center Water For Humans
George’s fundraising knowledge base comes from having worked as development director, major gifts officer, and general manager of nonprofit organizations in the United States. He has extensive experience in all areas of fundraising from individuals and institutions for annual operations and special purposes.
George’s deep understanding of the grantmaking process has been honed by managing regranting programs funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts and The Wallace Foundation and serving on grant review panels for the Arizona Commission on the Arts, Maryland State Arts Council, National Endowment for the Arts, and the Pride Foundation. Grant proposals he has submitted have been successfully funded by:

American Airlines American Express APS ArtsFund Blue Cross Blue Shield BMO Private Bank Phoenix Suns Safeway SRP The Boeing Company The Boeing Company: Employee Community Fund US Bank Wells Fargo
American Scandinavian Foundation Arizona Community Foundation Dorrance Family Foundation Flinn Foundation Jerome Robbins Foundation Kemper Marley Foundation Kieckhefer Foundation Marin Community Foundation Norcliffe Foundation Otto & Edna Neely Foundation PONCHO Scottsdale League for the Arts Shubert Foundation Steve J. Miller Foundation T.W. Lewis Foundation The Shubert Foundation Twiford Foundation Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust Virginia Ullman Foundation
4Culture (King County Arts Commission, WA) Arizona Commission on the Arts Arizona Lottery California Arts Council City of Phoenix City of Seattle Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs Gila River Indian Community National Endowment for the Arts Stanislaus County (CA), Economic Development State of California Water Resources Board Washington State Arts Commission

George Nunes holds a B.A. in Dance from Dominican University, an M.A. in Arts Administration from Golden Gate University, a Certificate in Fundraising Management from University of Washington, and Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy certification from the American College of Financial Services. He serves as a Teaching Fellow for National Arts Strategies, instructing courses in Fundraising as well as Arts & Cultural Policy to students from around the world.

George is an active volunteer and has helped Cuerpos de Conservacion de Yucatan, Greater Phoenix Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, Maya Foundation In Láakeech at Hacienda Chichen Itza, and the Pride Foundation where he was a member of the board of directors. Over the years, George has learned to speak Spanish, German, French, and struggled happily with Yucatec Maya. His professional travel writing about destinations in Mexico has been published by NileGuide.com, Wcities.com, Vivatravelguides.com, Yucatantoday.com, and GPSmycity.com. George’s passions include archeology, hiking, Latin American culture, and the performing and visual arts.